// ******************************************************* function XseedBrowser () { this.srcElement = null; this.toElement = null; this.movingFocus = false; this.ignoreValidation = false; //mzz (begin) var wUserAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isChrome = /\bchrome\b/.test(wUserAgent); this.isSafari = !this.isChrome && /\bsafari\b/.test(wUserAgent); this.isOpera = /\bopera\b/.test(wUserAgent); this.isMSIE = !this.isOpera && /\bmsie\b/.test(wUserAgent); this.isFirefox = /\bfirefox\b/.test(wUserAgent); //mzz (end) } XseedBrowser.prototype.isIE = function () { try { if (document.all) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Err) { fatalMsg(Err, "browser.isIE"); } } var browser = new XseedBrowser(); // ******************************************************* function LoadingRts () { } LoadingRts.prototype.goHome = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onLoad = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onChange = function (pControl) { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onKeyPress = function (pThis, pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.onPaste = function (pThis, pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.cancelEvent = function (pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.resetKeyCode = function (pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.onKeyDown = function (pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.onKeyUp = function (pEvent) { this.preventAll(pEvent); } LoadingRts.prototype.validateKey = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.showBoundPopup = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.rollUp = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.rollDown = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onclickForCheckBox = function (pObject) { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.validateRequired = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.validateHighest = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.validateLowest = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.executeOnValidate = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.autoValidate = function () { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onFocus = function (pControl) { this.preventAll(); } LoadingRts.prototype.onClick = function (pControl) { this.preventAll(); return true;} LoadingRts.prototype.preventAll = function (pEvent) { try { if (pEvent != null) { if (browser.isIE()) { // Cancels the standard behaviour and propagation pEvent.cancelBubble = true; pEvent.returnValue = false; pEvent.keyCode = 0; } else { pEvent.preventDefault(); } } alert(MSG_0000); } catch (Err) { fatalMsg(Err, "browser.isIE"); } } var xseed = new LoadingRts();